Friday, April 20, 2012


In a previous post I mentioned that HH6 has begun to apply pressure to the firearm-bar that she has me in, to get me to stop playing so many "violent" video games (which is basically every game I enjoy playing).

A couple of weeks ago she really clamped down when she gave the green light to start shopping in earnest for a full caliber (a handgun of .32 caliber or greater according to TxDPS) hand gun.

Our search began in earnest at Academy, where she was willing to handle the weapons I recommended and I learned that she did not want a steel gun.  Which meant no 1911's Sig 226's, Beretta 92's.

Soon after we found ourselves at Carter's Country, where she plied her womanly charms and yet again engaged in handgun handling.  There I learned three important features that the boss required:
  1. It had to be "curvy" like an M&P or a Beretta PX4
  2. It could not be too rough and pointy like an XDM or Gen 4 Glock
  3. It had to have a weighty slide with a point of balance over her knuckles
When we left Carter's Country I thought I had her pegged for an M&P in 9mm (more on the caliber choice later)...

So, we scheduled a date day which involved dinner, a movie, and a trip to the range.

We ended up shooting 200 rounds of 9mm through the following range guns (about 3-4 mags each):
1&4. H&K P30
2. S&W M&P
3&5. Glock 17

-All pistols were full size.

I fancy myself a bit of a gun snob so obviously the H&K was the bestest right? Sadly, no.
We both agreed that it had the most noticeable muzzle flash, loudest report, and most felt recoil of the bunch.

The M&P wasn't that greatest for felt recoil, but at least I didn't see spots from the muzzle flash.  Interestingly enough though, the wife and I noticed that there was a lot more unburned powder exiting the muzzle of the M&P, which turned into powder burns on the backs of hands and exposed forearms, and lead to pain when we washed up after our range time was up.

I had never really noticed unburned powder or had a problem with powder burns before that range trip.

BUT, that could all be due to the FMJ ammo that we bought at the range.

After dumping three mags through both of these, we got our hands on the Glock 17.
I didn't expect much of a reaction from HH6 as she was unimpressed with it in the store.  I figured we would have to track down a Walther P99 for her. 

Boy was I wrong.
Have y'all seen that scene in the first Harry Potter film where Harry get his wand?  Well it was kind of like that except it was in a gun range and the wand wasn't 11" of holly and Phoenix feather. No, we had 7.32" of polymer and steel.

So now we are looking and waiting for a good deal on tactical Tupperware.....Maybe I can get the wife to host one of those parties.

Any ways, looks like we are going to drink the glock cool aide (more on that later).
At least we came to that conclusion without the undue influence of flashy advertising and marketing gimmicks.  The glock simply felt the best in my wife's hands and when she shot it, she had the biggest smile on her face.  I knew she was in love.

P.S. Though I did the lion's share (connotation not denotation) of loading magazine, HH6 loaded fully a third of all the rounds she shot.

More on the adventures in firearms selection to come.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Forget your Grand-daddy's deer rifle and get your self a ...Deer Carbine?

I am starting out as a hunter.  A novice. A noob.
Hopefully, I will go on my first deer hunt where I am the hunter later this year.

A few months ago I was able to convince HH6 that the TO&E was deficient in the equipment section if I had indeed been given the task of securing dinner.  As such she instructed me to put together a plan and estimate the cost to fulfill my assigned duties.

When I began to price gear and arms suitable to take medium size game cleanly, I began to realize something.  I began to realize that the US Army had spoiled me. I mean have you seen how much an ACOG costs? let alone ammo?

So, I figured that the only way HH6 would allow me to redirect funds from mortgage payments to my own personal arsenal of democracy was to try and expand the tasks that my desired death stick would cover.

I said to my self, why do I NEED a different rifle for fighting the zombie horde, beating back the read coats, and harvesting uncured  Bambi jerky?  why don't I just get ONE rifle that could cover all of those bases?  So, that began my analysis of the non-conventional hunting rifles.

 Okay I wanted at evil black tacticool death widget, in 7.62 NATO no less.

So, after narrowing down my selection between the three beauties I decided that I should get a second opinion on the matter in case my idea was less than stellar.

So I talked to my close buddy (an actual experienced hunter) about my desire to use an "assault rifle" (complete with a "the shoulder thing that goes up") on white tails told me that my semi-automatic Texas type-writer would violate the magazine size restrictions, well lucky for me TPWD respects my right to defend myself against the random stampede of wild animals.

Alas, one cannot live under a rifle.

So after HH6 stopped beating me about the head with our budget we decided that we should adjust our sights a bit lower and purchase a rifle with less than three digits in succession of the first.
which lead us to a Remington 700SPS old army death guage (7.62 X 51) okay, .308 Winchester.

But! following the great American tradition, I bought the cheapest piece of glass that I thought wold hold a zero.

The first time at the range, I was making ragged holes at 100yrds, and fliers were kept within 2-3", confirming that the rifle is more accurate than I am.

Now, if only I could figure out how to feed this new mouth.

Be safe and God speed.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Aim is important. Without it you are ineffective

First, I am sorry for the long leave. The crazy things happens when you start a blog. First, you realize how no one really cares what you think until you can obtain a critical mass of people who think you have something noteworthy to say or make someone at the Brady campaign angry. Second, all of those topics you love discuss in conversation with your friends become very difficult to put down in words and your thoughts become fleeting.

However HH6 has put out the following guidance:
1. Stop playing video games and work on your blog (not because she wants me to blog, but because she doesn't like me playing video games)
3. Profit!

Expect more to come in the future.
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