Friday, July 22, 2011
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Back From the Dead to Dance on his Grave
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Spinal Headache
Monday, April 4, 2011
Modern Hippy
- We believe the words "I'm from the government and I'm here to help," are cause for alarm
- We share a goal of one day being able to grow, grind, and bake into bread our own wheat at home.
- We think that living a sustainable life involves our community working together, not the government telling us what to do
- We named one of our children after a flower
- We are leaning towards homeschooling our children
- We believe in making things from scratch at home that most people buy at the store
- We believe that material possessions will not bring you happiness
I began to realize that although we may have a few ideas in common with the liberal oxygen thief's that emerged in the 60's, our view of the world around us is radically different.
Conservatives; not to be confused with Republicans, think that are world is what we make of it.
Not, that our world is what we make others do for us.
and I think that this post is too long already to expand past that.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
It is Truly Historic Times We Live In
the democrat party!
I am putting my money on the "Clinton" (which is the people that support the Clinton's) camp pushing a candidate against the "hopey-changey" Obama campaign. It will be interesting to see the Clinton's hang the first (and only hopefully) term of POTUS around his neck, denying him the ability to use platitudes and slogans to campaign. He can say he supports liberty around the world and the Clinton's will point to Libya and say "don't think so." He can try to say that he is a person of the people and we will all be able to point to the TEA party, polls, and the state of
the world to refute his statements of love and adoration.
It is one thing for a tin-pot dictator to make such claims while standing simultaneously on the throats of the press and the lively hood population. The mainstream media can see the writing on the wall. The Obama ship is sinking, the Kennedy sedan has sunk, the unions are headed over the waterfall in a barrel made of ridiculous contracts, Soros is being exposed as the brigand he is, and the only liberal vessel that even looks sea worthy is the Clintons.
The next 6 months will determine the face of the Democrat party for the 2012 campaign.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Updated: Training log Week 1
Sunday, March 13, 2011
I am in Shape and Improving it daily.
It just so happens that that shape is round.
A friend of mine recently went through a bout with cancer. Less than a year ago he found out he had cancer, went through the most awful tortu...err treatment known to man (suffice it to say that his new nickname is NBC) and won.
Or maybe I should say that he kicked that cancer’s ass so bad his doctor's wanted to extract his essence and feed it to other cancer patients, preliminary analysis show him as a second cousin to Chuck Norris!
Before the big C NBC would run marathons backwards while dressed in drag (poorly...I knew it was him all along) just to piss off the other competitors.
Just kidding, he didn't run them backwards.
NBC he is a prime example of why the USMC has yet to be bested in open combat. Even a grunt like me is capable of learning to recognize the subtle differences between squids and Leather Necks.
So now NBC has taken it upon himself to help an overweight broke-dick train up and tackle one of the greatest examples of why soldiers shouldn’t be left with spare time on their hands.
Ladies and gentleman I present to you Tough Mudder!
The proceeds go to a great cause and any reason to get out of the city and learn to love dirt again sounds like a vacation to me.
I will keep you all... okay, no one reads this blog.
I will use the blog to keep my own training log.
Even a Army puke knows the meaning of Seper Fi.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
The Government as a Business
Keeping with the theme of my earlier post I discussed how the government could and in my opinion should be viewed as a business.
So, I figured that in a series of posts I could expand on that idea and discuss the merits of the current budget fight.
First, I admit, that the government is not a traditional business, it doesn't sell goods or services to customers for revenue. However as you will see you is a business none the less.
For ease, I will use GE as a standard corporate type business for comparison.
In this first post, I will use some common business terms to define the government and illustrate how it is and is not like a business.
So, here we go.
Shareholder: In a traditional business the term shareholder specifically identifies an entity that owns stock, however with the US government the Constitution gave each American citizen one share of stock. Those people who were born here didn't have to buy it, it was already paid for.
With GE stock is openly traded on the NYSE.
Common between the two is the ability to vote on leaderships and important issues.
Differences include how easily ownership is transferred.
Stakeholder: When looking at our government, it's difficult to define who the stakeholders are. Many people disagree about how much impact the USA has on the world abroad, but I think we can leave it at potentially every man, woman, and child in the world. Of course, that is not a big help in the discussion of politics and budgets, so for each topic a set of stakeholders should be defined.
Stakeholder is a term that can be applied equally to business and governments, so the same process described above should be applied to GE as well.
Product: Here is where is starts to get tough. with GE you can pick up a catalog and see exactly what products GE offers. With the government many products are intangible and hard to measure. A couple of examples include life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. However, one key difference between business' and the government is the motivation for creating these products.
The government provides some products due to laws (such as social security), political preference (such as bridges to nowhere), and by necessity (we'll call it fertilizer).
GE creates widgets of all shapes, sizes, and purposes to sell them for more than they cost to make; i.e. a profit motive..
Next we will discuss revenue and how each entity can move costs.
The issue of moving costs is essential to understanding how each entity works.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Libya Tanks Move In To Crush Rebel Stronghold
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Work Work Work
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Why I support the Westboro Baptist Retards
Monday, February 28, 2011
Continuing Resolutions and the Government Workforce
As I noted before I am a federal employee and I am facing the prospect of a furlough. Two things:
1. Nothing I do will change anything, so I might as well not let it get to me.
2. As a taxpayer I would prefer that congress gets a full year budget passed (with those spending cuts) instead of the continuing resolution.
I don't see why it is so outrageous that the government, like any other business, can shut down.
Maybe the problem is that most people do not view the government as a business, well it is.
It has revenue and expenses. It creates products and has customers. Shoot, it even has stock holders, bond holders, creditors, and employees.
The risk of going to work for any business that is failing is that you could be out of a job.
Not only that, what in the budget is so sacred that it can’t handle downsizing? I think DoD comes closest to that.
In the end, I would rather lose pay than continue to sink further into debt.